Summary: Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Planning 2.0 (MVP 2.0) is a grant for municipalities to revisit their climate resilience priorities with a focus on equity and translate those priorities into action. MVP 2.0 fills gaps from the original MVP planning process (MVP 1.0), builds on the work cities and towns have done to date, and supports communities with new processes, tools, and resources for building resilience. This updated program has a greater focus on building social resilience and explores the factors that create vulnerability or resilience for all the people living or working in your community. The process will focus on connecting and collaborating with community members, and expanding the voices involved in climate resilience efforts.
Funding Focus: MVP 2.0 convenes a community team to do equitable climate resilience work; provides training on strategies for building resilience, equity, and climate justice; revisits resilience priorities with the involvement of the wider community; helps the municipality and community co-develop and implement a project, with guaranteed funding for implementation; and, provides a process that can be replicated for future Action Grants.