What is the Woodlands Partnership?
The Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts (formerly Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership)* is a unique, homegrown effort to both conserve our forests and enhance the region’s rural, land-based economy.
The mission of the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts is to support rural economic development and forest conservation to preserve the quality of life in Western Franklin and Northern Berkshire Counties.
With the region’s residents, businesses, and towns, the Woodlands Partnership will work to:
- Increase forest land conservation through conservation restrictions that encourage and support sustainable forest management practices and intact forest ecosystems;
- Support and increase sustainable natural resource-based economic development and employment; and
- Promote and support the long-term social and fiscal sustainability of the participating communities in the area.
Since 2015, a group of towns, local nonprofit organizations, and planners from Franklin and Berkshire Counties have worked cooperatively with the Massachusetts Executive Office of Energy and Environmental Affairs and the USDA Forest Service to develop the goals and objectives of the Partnership.
In 2018, the State Legislature established the Woodlands Partnership, its governing body, its purposes, and an investment trust fund. Municipalities in the Partnership region can vote to opt in if they would like to join the Partnership and appoint a Board representative.
Representatives from the following municipalities and partner organizations crafted and continue to work on the goals and objectives of this rural conservation and economic development program. Representatives from each entity also serve as the current Board.
Towns in the Partnership Region
Berkshire County: Adams,* Cheshire,* Clarksburg,*
Florida,* New Ashford,* North Adams,* Peru,* Savoy,
Williamstown,* Windsor.*
Franklin County: Ashfield,* Buckland,* Charlemont,*
Colrain, Conway,* Hawley,* Heath,* Leyden,* Monroe,*
Rowe,* Shelburne.*
*Starred towns are Partnership members that qualify for benefits.
Nonprofit/Academic Organizations
Berkshire Natural Resources Council, Deerfield River
Watershed Association, Franklin Land Trust, Franklin
County Community Development Corp., Hoosic River
Watershed Association, Lever, Inc., Massachusetts Forest
Alliance, Ohketeau Cultural Center, Society of American Foresters (MA Chapter), UMass Amherst.
Planning Agencies
Berkshire Regional Planning Commission, Franklin Regional Council of Governments.
State and Federal Agencies
Executive Office of Energy & Environmental Affairs,
USDA Forest Service.
Partnership Programs
The Woodlands Partnership focuses on three key program areas with partner organizations from across the region. To find out more and get involved, visit the Woodlands Partnership.
Forest Land Conservation
Work with private landowners to:
- Conserve and improve the health and resilience of the region’s woodlands and ecosystem benefits;
- Increase research on sustainable forestry practices and ecological outcomes
- Bridge gaps between conservation funding sources, interested landowners and the needs of local land trusts;
- Enhance understanding of sustainable forestry and ecological health.
Natural Resource-based Economic Development
Work with businesses and nonprofits to:
- Market the region, its Main Streets and natural attractions;
- Increase local natural-resource based jobs;
- Improve tourism infrastructure and support outdoor recreation;
- Evaluate the need for a multi-purpose visitor, community and educational Forest Center;
- Advocate for stronger representation of sustainable forestry, as there is with farming.
Municipal Financial Assistance
Advocate for state and federal grants to fund Partnership member towns:
- Support services related to outdoor recreation and tourism and protect the health and safety of visitors to the region; · Advocate for equitable reform of state municipal funding formulas including Payment In Lieu of Taxes (PILOT) & Ch. 90, funding local transportation improvements;
- Support municipal projects and related state and federal funding for programs that align with the Partnership’s mission
*On Oct. 11, 2022, the Partnership Board voted unanimously to change its name from the “Mohawk Trail Woodlands Partnership” to operate as the “Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts” and requested the State Legislature and USDA Forest Service to officially establish and recognize the new name.