
The Forest Center of Northwest Massachusetts

Massachusetts forest path

The Forest Center of Northwest Massachusetts (sponsored by the Woodlands Partnership of Northwest Massachusetts and the Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Program) is a resource provided by the Forest Climate Resilience Program, a multi-partner initiative hosted by Mass Audubon. This website provides community members as well as state and municipal staff with information on the region’s forests, threats to their healthy functioning, and options for land stewardship.

From this Virtual Forest Center, you can learn about the diverse forest ecosystems of Northwest Massachusetts, about forest climate change impacts & solutions, and ways to support Indigenous-led land stewardship. This online resource will:

  1. Complement real-life opportunities to learn about caring for our forests into the future;
  2. Help people connect to the diverse forested sites in the region where many styles of stewardship can be visited in person; and
  3. Connect communities with supporting resources that allow them to better understand their forest stewardship options


TheForestCenter.org is funded through a Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness Regional Action Grant, led by the Town of Rowe. The Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) grant program provides cities and towns in Massachusetts with funding to implement the priority actions identified in their MVP plans.

Woman walking away from the camera in a field in Northwest Massachusetts

The Forest Climate Resilience Program

The Forest Climate Resilience Program (FCRP) provides education, technical assistance, and support for the adoption of climate-smart forest stewardship. The FCRP will help landowners understand, plan for, and implement science-based wildlife and climate-friendly practices that help forests cope with climate extremes (adaptation) while also locking away greenhouse gasses that cause climate change (mitigation).

To find out more about the FCRP visit our Municipal Forest Stewardship section.

Massachusetts forest path

Forest Stewardship Funding

No matter what goals you might have for your forest, there are a number of programs that can provide financial support and assistance.

The Forest Climate Resilience Program is a partnership between:

Explore the links below to learn more about our regional efforts to protect our forests.